
The Studio has two bedrooms and five beds. To be more specific, there are two twin beds, one each in two bedrooms. There are three additional twin-sized beds that can be set up, although these will be in other parts of the house and will have to be put away during the day. There are an additional five cots that can be set up. Bedding is provided without extra charge for up to two. There will be a reasonable additional charge for lodging and food for additional people.

Motel Lodging

At your own option and expense you can find lodging in motels in the area. The nearest motel is 20 miles and the nearest large one is 31 miles. Note that the extra fee for the fourth and subsequent person in your party covers both lodging and food and will apply even if you find lodging elsewhere.

Please inquire by email or phone for instructions on finding a motel or other services if necessary.