Getting an Idea Produced

Quite a few individuals have contacted Studio 588 since 2003 regarding ideas and suggestions for scenes or elements of scenes they'd like to see. Ideas tend to focus on specific situations or plots, such as an escape from prison or a jungle adventure. Suggested elements include specific items of clothing (panty-hose, spike heels, evening gown) or other details such as having the hands tied or the inclusion of specific lines of dialog.

The most reliable way to get a specific scene into video is to become a producer and shoot it yourself. If the scene is simple and involves only one performer and few props this is not as difficult or expensive as it might seem. Studio 588 solves the biggest problem, which is finding a suitable site, and can also provide support in the form of video cameras, microphones, and lighting. Studio 588 may (or may not) be able to provide (or arrange for) assistance with editing. Therefore, the newbie producer need only focus on developing a script or story board and arranging for talent and wardrobe.

If producing a scene directly is not a tenable option, you might want to try offering your idea to an established producer; the odds of your idea getting filmed are actually pretty good.

Another option is to pay a producer to produce your scene. This is what is referred to as a "custom" scene. If the scene is simple enough it may be something the producer can do in half a day, or maybe even less, as an add-on to a regular shoot. Even if the producer does not see your scene as having broad enough market appeal for them to underwrite its production they might be willing to produce it if you pay the cost. This may cost less than you think if your scene is a simple one. Costs for a custom scene will generally start around a few hundred dollars. Costs will go up, VERY FAST, if the request involves details that are difficult or risky to try to provide, such as required use of a specific actress. Expect to pay at least one-thousand dollars for a custom scene in which you specify a specific actress.

A final option, and one that may be most appropriate in a lot of cases, is what might be called a "partial custom" scene. A partial custom scene is one for which the customer requests, and pays for, some specific element, such as a costume or piece of wardrobe or some key story element, but leaves the rest of the details to the producer. All rights remain with the producer although the customer might negotiate to receive copies of raw footage or to be the first to receive the edited scene. Costs for this sort of scene will tend to be considerably less than the fully custom scene, and might be as low as simply providing the desired wardrobe item.
