Video Shoots

Studio 588 is primarily designed to support very small-scale video shoots consisting mainly of quicksand scenes. However, it can also support other kinds of shoots that can make use of its 50 acres of varied wooded terrain, and/or several gravel roads, several trails, gravel parking lot, or garden areas. Besides the sets associated with the quicksand pits, outdoor sets available include an old graveyard, a campsite, a circle of standing stones, a sloped ravine, a small, short cliff (artificial) and an artificial cave entrance. In addition to these sets, support is available in the form of shelter, food and kitchen facilities, hot water for clean-up, electrical power for lighting, several decks, small blue-screen backdrops, and some video equipment. Limited computer and internet services may also be available, as may be VCR and DVD equipment. On-site lodging is available on a very limited basis.

A typical video shoot at Studio 588 involves one to four performers and up to about the same number of crew. Groups usually stay from one to five days, although that is entirely up to the client producer. Off site lodging (motel) is located 32 miles away.

Because of the very unusual nature of Studio 588, a pre-visit by the producer or director is highly recommended before booking the facility.

Rates are 100 percent negotiable. For example, we may accept payment in the form of wardrobe items, props, or service.




