Work on Speculation

The number of work opportunities for paid video shoots is quite limited. However, the opportunities for doing a shoot on speculation is limited only by the number of days in the summer. By a "shoot on speculation" we mean working as an actress in a video shoot for which the compensation will be a percentage of net sales rather than a daily fee. This type of arrangement will appeal primarily to members of the "quicksand community" or to those doing a shoot mainly for fun. This kind of arrangement has the potential to earn a good deal more than the daily fee arrangement but there is no guarantee.

The following guidelines will apply to work on speculation:

Lodging costs: Motel not paid. However, there is limited lodging available on site without charge for this purpose.

Transportation: not paid, but a limited advance against future earnings might be arranged.

Scene content: determined by Studio 588, subject to the performer's limits.

Editing and marketing: handled by Studio 588.

Amount earned: Subject to limited negotiation but generally about 15 to 20 percent of net receipts.

